Welcome to THINK ! Whether you’ve come to this page as a reader, a writer—or both—please consider becoming a SUBSCRIBER to the journal. We are only able to keep moving forward with the support of those of you who enjoy the printed word. Thank you!
A Brief History
THINK’s first issue appeared in the winter of 2008, realizing the creative vision of founding editor and publisher Christine Yurick. In 2013, Western Colorado University acquired the journal as part of its MA and MFA Programs in Creative Writing. In 2021 THINK became an independently owned journal under the leadership of Editor Brian Palmer, who collaborates with a staff of dedicated and discerning editors. All involved volunteer their time and efforts and enjoy interacting with writers from all over the country and around the world.
What We Publish
In keeping with its original mission, THINK publishes poems that emphasize craft as well as content. We are responsive to metrical verse, to strategic rhyme, to inventive uses of nonce forms, and to free verse with a clear organizing principle. We look for writing that seizes and holds attention and rewards it with revelation.
We are receptive to well-crafted, nuanced fiction that explores and illuminates the human condition.
THINK also publishes essays dealing with the art and history of poetry, as well as analyses of poems and the works of important poets. While such essays often reflect extensive knowledge and scholarship, they are written for a broad range of non-specialist readers.
We appreciate and seek out informed, creative non-fiction, especially pieces that focus on the natural world.
Finally, THINK publishes reviews, including composite reviews (in batches of three books) of new collections of poetry. We believe these critical essays are interesting, inspiring, and edifying to readers and other poets. In addition, it is our way of advocating for the importance supporting poets (and the arts) by buying poetry!
Who We Publish
THINK publishes well-established poets and writers, but also emerging ones. We prize excellence over reputation.
The Future
THINK is a testament to our love of poetry in particular and literature in general. We are proud of the journal—where it has come from and where we intend it to go. While we present some poems and articles online via our website (thinkjournal.org,) we are committed to publishing THINK as a superior print journal for years to come.
As you prepare your submission, please consider subscribing to THINK at thinkjournal.org. A $25 / year subscription includes 2 issues of excellent poetry and prose by established, renowned, as well as talented emerging poets and writers. We're sure you'll find the reading enjoyable and meaningful. It is important to say here that it is our sincere promise to you that we, the reviewers and editors, accept and publish work purely by merit of the work; subscribing to the journal or not has no bearing on our final selections whatsoever.
General Document Format
- Prepare all submissions in Word. No PDF files, please.
- Use 12-point Times New Roman font.
POETRY: Submit up to 5 poems in a single document, one poem per page.
We publish mainly formal poetry and some free verse poetry with a clear organizing principle.
- Each poem should be on its own page and each page should include your name and contact information in the upper right corner.
- Please indicate stanza break information for poems longer than one page.
- Poetry should be in the line format (including indentations) in which the poet wishes it to appear in publication.
FICTION or ESSAYS: Submit 1 piece of prose.
We publish literary fiction, meaning generally that it is character rather than plot driven, and thereby focused on the human experience within social or political complexities. Literary fiction relies more on things such as symbolism, metaphor, imagery rather than a definite plot structure of genre fiction. Its tone should be more "serious" or truly satirical, relative to light-hearted or comical.
We publish essays of criticism of individual poems, an author's body of work, a poetic era; analytical essays of poetic theory; and expository essays about the history of poetry and the lives of influential poets.
We publish creative nonfiction, and we have a particular interest in essays of place, nature, and unique cultures.
- Your prose manuscript should include your name and contact information in the upper right corner.
- Paginate with last name going forward.
Filling Out the Submission Form
1. Title of Submission, and following the title please indicate if your submission is poetry, fiction, or an essay. If fiction or essay, it helps if you include a small piece of the title. For example:
A. J. Henson 3 poems--Poetry
B. Blake "The Road Home"--Fiction
B. Nolan "Desert Imagery in 20th c. Eco-Writing"--Essay
2. Name and contact information. Please use the appropriate fields.
3. A brief cover letter introducing yourself and the title(s) of the work(s) included in submission.
4. Biographical statement. Below your name at the end of your brief intro letter, include a short (50-75 words) third-person bio that tells us a thing or two about yourself: This might include (not all): your writing interests, where you're from, university(s) attended, travels, a hobby, etc. Feel free to list up to three books you've published (which includes anthologies). We ask that you:
- Don't list journals where you’ve published your work.
- Don't list prizes, awards, fellowships.
- Don't include your website or blog site.
5. Bios are subject to editing.
General Policies
1. Persons interested in contributing to the journal must submit their own original, unpublished work.
2. We DO accept simultaneous submissions as long as you withdraw immediately any piece that has been accepted elsewhere.
3. Rights revert to the author upon publication; we do retain the option to reprint, including online and in social media.
4. We kindly ask that THINK be acknowledged as publisher when work is published again.
5. Unfortunately, we are unable to remunerate authors for their work; however, we do send a printed issue to published authors.
6. Please be aware that we make every effort to notify you about our decision within approx. 2 months.